First Love



“One’s first love is always with the wrong person, and one’s second love is always with the right person but at the wrong time.”

I’d need ten more hands to count the number of times I’ve heard people say this. And every time it only made me wonder what is first love. Sometimes it felt like the best feeling in the whole wide world, and sometimes it felt like something that was only meant to stay a while. Almost every individual has a first love, a first heart break, a first “moving on” and a first step towards maturity, or so they say.

As I write this and my mind wanders around with its view-less wings, I come to the realization that may be the true essence of one’s first love lies in its unknown. Not everything is meant to be understood, and may be, just may be, that is the real thing behind all these attempts at knowing what a first love is all about.

Musings of an Idle Mind



While I go about my daily activities, I hear people talking about the darkness that now shrouds our society, the numerous deaths take go unnoticed everyday and the like. So I was idling away my time the other day, introspecting, thinking about everything that I hear almost everyday. And I happened to come across this wonderful ad on a reputed channel. The bottom line of it was that the reality of our nation isn’t just the negative aspects. Even though it becomes hard to actually believe any of this, it’s true. The bad is the just one side of the coin, the good being the other one. For every wrong-doer, we have a person who’s trying hard to make a difference for the people around him. May be this is true maturity; learning to look at the bright side of things even when there are millions capable enough to shake our faith in humanity, the very basis of our existence, and make our ethics stumble.